Online legal advice:

number 1

Website Check

Audit of:

Imprint, privacy policy, cookie notice and consent, encryption, forms, copyright, revocation policy and others.

(Note: legal review, no technical review)


You will receivea written result by mail usually within 24 hours. This result also includes advice on how to correct any errors found.

A re-check after implementation of corrections is included.


After receiving your request, you will receive an offer to perform the website check at a flat rate. Provided you agree, you will receive an invoice. After receipt of payment, the check will be carried out immediately and you will receive the result usually by mail.

As communication on the Internet is possible anonymously, I ask for your understanding that the service can only be offered against prepayment.

Encrypted e-mail communication:

On request, communication can be carried out via various types of encryption. End-to-end encryption is possible. By default, the firm uses the TLS protocol and S/MIME procedures for emails. Other procedures than S/MIME will be used in consultation with you.


number 2

GDPR Check

Creation or review of:

Creation of new privacy statements for the website or for use in the company, business or practice.
Review of existing privacy statements.


You will receivea written result by mail usually within 24 hours, at . This result also includes advice on how to correct any errors found.

A re-check after implementation of corrections is included.


After receipt of your request, you will receive an offer to perform the GDPR check at a flat rate. Provided you agree, you will receive an invoice. After receipt of payment, the check will be carried out immediately and you will receive the result usually by mail.

As communication on the Internet is possible anonymously, I ask for your understanding that the service can only be offered against advance payment.

Encrypted e-mail communication:

If desired, communication can be carried out via various types of encryption. End-to-end encryption is possible. By default, the firm uses the TLS protocol and S/MIME procedures for emails. Other procedures than S/MIME will be used in consultation with you.


number 3

Job reference check

Creation or review of:

Creation of new employer’s references according to the client’s specifications, review of existing employer’s references with regard to form and content including correction suggestions


You will receivea written result by mail usually within 24 hours. This result also includes advice on how to correct any errors found.

A re-check after implementation of corrections is included.


After receiving your request, you will receive an offer to perform the job reference check at a flat rate. Provided you agree, you will receive an invoice. After receipt of payment, the check will be carried out immediately and you will receive the result usually by mail.

As communication on the Internet is possible anonymously, I ask for your understanding that the service can only be offered against advance payment.

Encrypted e-mail communication:

If desired, communication can be carried out via various types of encryption. End-to-end encryption is possible. By default, the firm uses the TLS protocol and S/MIME procedures for emails. Other procedures than S/MIME will be used in consultation with you.

Here you can ask a question about thewebsite, GDPR or job reference check

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